1,U盘刻录工具『balenaEtcher 』:一款十分简洁且免费的系统刻录工具,可以快速将系统镜像文件( .iso 或 .img 或 .zip或 .dmg)刻录到USB等设备,支持windows,macOs和linux系统 官网地址:https://www.balena.io/etcher/ 2,磁盘工具『DiskGenius』:一款老牌的磁盘分区工具与读写工具,功能强大。在黑苹果的安装过程中,...
However, using an Apple device doesn't stop you from creating a Mac bootable USB from Windows 10.The reasons you need to do this are valid for both you and the safety of your data, such as:Use your Mac Bootable installer to troubleshoot your malfunctioned Mac. Have a backup data file ...
In the FortiClient VPN section, you can click theDownloadbutton under the target OS you’d like to download this VPN for. Here we chooseDownload VPN for Windowsand it will immediately download theFortiClientVPNOnlineInstaller.exefile to your computer. Click the downloaded VPN file to follow the ...
is er een oplossing. Met Boot Camp Assistant kunt u Windows 7 installeren op uw Mac-computer op basis van Intel in een eigen partitie. U hebt een dual-boot-systeem met uw Mac OS op de ene partitie en Windows op een andere. Zie de onderstaande vereisten ...
Téléchargez Visual Studio IDE ou Code VS gratuitement. Essayez les éditions Visual Studio Professional ou Entreprise sur Windows, Mac.
免费下载 Visual Studio IDE 或 VS Code。 在 Windows、Mac 上试用 Visual Studio Professional 或企业版。
64位系统可以下载Windows x86-64 executable installer,32位系统可以下载Windows x86 executable installer。 下载完成之后,直接双击Python安装包,然后通过图形界面安装,接着设置Python的安装路径,完成后将Python 3和Python 3的Scripts目录配置到环境变量即可。
in all your open shell windows, in rare cases you need to reopen all shell windows." if [[ "${install_gems[*]}" == *"rails"* ]] then printf "%b" " * To start using rails you need to run \`rails new <project_dir>\`."...
De installatiebestanden van Windows 11 worden gedownload en je krijgt een melding wanneer de installatie is voltooid. Je volledig operationele exemplaar van Microsoft Windows 11 is geïnstalleerd. Nu kun je Windows-toepassingen installeren. ...
12. When the Windows installation has completed, insert your MAC OS DVD and select RunSetup.exe when prompted. 13. Click Next when the Boot Camp installer launches. 14. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and then click Next. ...