方式一:open .zshrc或者open .bash_profile(注意open后有空格),打开环境变量配置文件直接编辑,command s保存; 方式二:vim ~/.bash_profile,命令行编辑,输入i进入编辑,esc退出编辑,:wq保存退出; 将配置文件内容全部删除(根据需要备份),最后加上以下内容,其他需要配置的环境变量可自行加入: export PATH="/usr/local...
causing the command not found error message. To ensure all apps are running smoothly and to help prevent future errors, we recommend usingMacKeeper's Update Tracker.Thiswill keep your apps up-to-date and fix any app-related issues, and in turn, will ensure a stress-free Mac experience. ...
-bash:vi: command not found 如图所示: 解决方法: 1. 在命令行中输入: export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin 这样可以保证命令行命令暂时可以使用。命令执行完之后先不要关闭终端。 2. 输入 cd ~/ 进入当前用户的home目录。 3. 创建bash_profile 执行命令: touch .bash_profile ...
4.如果在此过程中发生了什么错误,你可以尝试重新运行一次安装程序宗卷里面的 pathsetup.command 文件(需要在终端窗口里面运行)。 open/sw/bin/pathsetup.command (这个过程应该对你机器的每个帐号都运行一次:每个用户应该登录到自己的帐号运行一次 pathsetup.command 脚本)。 如果pathsetup.command 产生了错误信息,请参...
1.重启MAC,按住command+R键,等看到MAC图标后松开 2.启动进入Recovery Mode模式后,在菜单里面工具里找到终端(Terminal)打开, 3.使用命令:csrutil disable;来关闭,然后reboot重启即可。 以后如果要再启用,可以使用csrutil enable;即可。 然后 编译PHP ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php/ --with-config-file-path...
Mac 编译安装php7时提示“freetype-config not found”,怎么解决 Mac 编译安装php7时提示“freetype-config not found”,可能是系统问题或者操作问题推荐你去后盾网看看哪里有视频详解相信能解决你的疑惑
If this was closed incorrectly, please feel free to reopen and explain why so we can try again. devjgm closed this as completed Sep 1, 2022 sebma commented Sep 1, 2022 Hi everyone, what is the replacement/equivalent of update_dyld_shared_cache on MacOS now ? 👍 1 j5cents23 ...
I have macOS 12.0.1 When I open a project on visual studios, the message says that I need to install .net core 3.1. But when I download it, nothing changes and I still cannot run the the command dotnet I would appreciate, if someone help...
Found PROTOBUF Compiler: /opt/homebrew/bin/protoc-25.1.0 CMake Error at cmake/ProtoBuf.cmake:19(string): string sub-command REGEX, mode MATCH needs at least5arguments total to command. Call Stack(most recent call first): cmake/Dependencies.cmake:43(include)CMakeLists.txt:49(include) ...
Enter the commandshow mac address-table address <mac>in order to check the MAC address learned on the port. Core-SW#show mac address-table address yyyy.yyyy.yyyy Mac Address Table --- Vlan Mac Address Type Ports --- --- --- --- 1 yyyy....