通过flutter doctor 检查报如下错误 [!] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 11.7) ✗ CocoaPods installed but not working. You appear to have CocoaPods installed but it is not working. This can happen if the version of Ruby that CocoaPods was installed with is different from the one...
再次运行flutter doctor flutter doctor 可以了!再打开一个iPhone8 Plus模拟器试试 打开两个模拟器 运行flutter doctor flutter doctor 方便快捷!
文章源地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yummylucky/p/12753057.html 如图,明明安装了xcode,flutter doctor还是丢给我一个叉叉。 运行如下命令: sudo xcode-select --switch/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer 如果不行看看你的xcode名字是什么,可能不是Xcode,修改成对应你电脑里的名字就OK了。
3.在系统变量中添加两个镜像变量: 变量名:FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL 变量值:https://storage.flutter-io.cn 变量名:PUB_HOSTED_URL 变量值:https://pub.flutter-io.cn 二、flutter doctor 相关错误解决: 1.随便找个文件夹打开GIt命令行: 鼠标右键 ➡ Git Bash Here 2.运行...
如果运行flutter doctor 等待无反应 可能是进程 结束进程 git-re...-http 可能是git 卸载git重装git 四、 配置 Flutter Ios 环境 1、如果电脑上面没有安装 brew 的话首先第一步需要安装 brew https://brew.sh/ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master...
一、cmd运行 flutter doctor 出现以下情况 解决方案: 系统环境变量中添加2个 FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL https://storage.flutter-io.cn PUB_HOSTED_URL https://pub.flutter-io.cn 1. 2. 注:建议删除 你的flutter sdk 目录 bin 下面的 cache 文件夹 再 cmd中运行 flutter doctor ...
Flutter是Google推出的跨平台的解决方案,用以帮助开发者在 Android 和 iOS 两个平台开发高质量原生应用...
mac 安装多版本flutter遇见问题 ilovelnmp 351370161 发布于 2022-05-27 mac 之前安装了2.10.4和1.x 用的同样的环境变量(切换时就把flutter sdk包目录名改一下),后下载flutter2.10.5 直接解压到同目录下(环境变量没变)但flutter doctor 或 flutter --version都无任何反应,这是怎么回事,请求指点!!!
I am not able to run a flutter app that has CocoaPods on my Mac M1 computer. Flutter run: Warning: CocoaPods is installed but broken. Skipping pod install. You appear to have CocoaPods installed but it is not working. This can happen if ...