there are times when users encounter issues like error 43 on Mac. The error usually occurs when we try to delete some files or move them from one location to another. Since there can be different reasons for the macOS error code 43, it is important to diagnose the problem...
I tried to use Migration Assistant but it keeps failing. I transferred some documents to an external disk, then used an adapter from USB-A to USB-C. When I try to drag and drop the folders I want into my desktop, it says "Error code -43". I have used First Aid on my disk and ...
error code-36 A couple of days ago, I was trying to copy a folder from my Mac computer onto an external hard drive. While copying the folder, a message popped up saying "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in" "can't be read or written (Error code-36)." Thi...
If this error occurs; check sInfo rec for more information.*/ smNilsBlockErr = -336, /*Nil sBlock error (Don't allocate and try to use a nil sBlock)*/ smSlotOOBErr = -337, /*Slot out of bounds error*/ smSelOOBErr = -338, /*Selector out of bounds error*/ smNewPErr = -3...
Fix 1. Check File Permission to Fix Error Code 1407 The file permission on your MacBook ascertains who can read and write files on your Mac. You may change permission settings for a folder, file, or disk in Finder. This Mac error code 1407 will vanish when you have the proper permissio...
Zoom error code 5003on a Mac is an error that can occur when using the Zoom app. According to the Apple community, users may see this error when they try to join a meeting or when they are in the middle of a meeting. The error message may say, "Unable to connect to Zoom. Error ...
display imem code display lanswitch np slot chip fe display mbist cmd-cfg display mbist processing display mfe buf-usage display mfe buffer-counter display mfe buffer-error-counter display mfe buffer-monitor status display mfe cfg-file display mfe debugging car ...
VPNkit: improve the connection-limiting code to avoid running out of sockets on the host UDP: handle diagrams bigger than 2035, up to the configured macOS kernel limit UDP: made the forwarding more robust; now, drop packets and continue rather than stopping disk: made the "flush" behaviour ...
Error code -8072 usually appears when you are trying to perform an operation on a file, such as emptying it from the Trash or copying it to another folder or disk, and the file is corrupted or has permissions set to prevent you from doing what you’re trying to do. It seems to occur...
如果安装器无法建立互联网连接以完成安装,则可能会出现这个错误。请检查你的网络设置或配置。 在安装 macOS Mojave 时,你可能会看到一条提醒信息,提示安装过程中发生错误,这条信息的后面是“ Code=551”。请尝试以下解决方案: ...