Personally, I would like to bring back the logo too, but that's just cosmetics, although I do like space black., Again, Apple would need to design, build, and pay for a completely separate tooling for a case which would support those changes. The logic board would also likely need to...
• WSJ: Apple Aiming to Use Steve Jobs Theater to Unveil New Products at September 12 Event Monday August 28, 2017 7:54 am PDT by Joe Rossignol • iPhone 8 Wireless Charging Reportedly Half the Speed of Current Standard Monday August 28, 2017 7:21 am PDT by Mitchel Broussard •...
It’s funny that other companies such as HP are directly going after Apple’s Pro audience. Apple has them beat on great form/cosmetics, but not on the guts and real, functional capability. If PCs could run Mac OS X, well… Apple could sell a boatload of OS X open licenses for $29...
With all the powers she has in 1) reading minds and 2) having all men fawn over her the instant they see her she could be running the oval office via marionette strings in less than 2 years. But all we get is trying to decide who she’s gonna go out to dinner with?!?!?!? WTF...
Cosmetics? Chuckle. His articles doom and gloom about how SP Skylake is grossly underperformance what Broadwell did. How that stalled, weakened line up and that 10nm was just going to put it down from there... And to look out for Intel's meeting this week. Well OK. ( from anandtech...