如果Mac电脑仍然响应,可以使用以下快捷键进行重启: Control + Command + Power:按下这三个键组合,Mac会立即重启。 Command + Option + Escape:这个组合键会打开“强制退出应用程序”窗口,选择无响应的应用程序,然后点击“强制退出”。 3. 使用终端 (UsingTerminal) 对于高级用户,可以通过终端命令强制重启Mac: 打开...
How to restart Mac using Terminal If you're a little more computer savvy (or if your MacBook's power button is broken), restart your computer with Terminal. Open Terminal. You can find it on your Launchpad. Type the command to restart Mac: sudo shutdown -r now. You can either sc...
Force restart your Mac with keyboard commands Press down Control - Command - Power button/Touch ID. Mac or the cursor is frozen. Force restart your Mac through a manual shutdown Press down the power button/Touch ID for about 10 seconds to turn off the Mac and then press the power button...
When your Software Updates are complete, your MacBook Pro will prompt you if the update requires you to restart your computer. To make this process easier, and to be sure that you have all the correct updates, you can set up your computer to automatically install updates in the future. Ti...
5. 若您使用 MacBook、MacBook Pro 或 Mac mini,同时按下 Control 键、Command 键及电源键试试能否启动计算机。 6. 若您最近加装内存,确定该内存已正确安装。试试先将加装的内存移除,看看计算机是否能正常开机。 7. 若您使用 MacBook 或 MacBook Pro,需确认计算机的电池已经充饱电,方能开机 — 若电池已无...
On an Intel-based Mac, shut down your Mac. Then, while pressing the power button, press and hold Command-R until you see macOS Utilities. Restarting your Mac is one of the simplest things you can do on a computer, and it is a great way to fix lots of problems. However, there are...
Step 2. Opt for "Restart" from the drop-down menu.If it's an Intel Mac, you need to hold Command + R as soon as the screen turns back on to start your Mac into recovery mode.Step 3. Opt for the "Terminal" after pulling down the utility menu option....
MAC提示your computer restartd because of a problem , press a key or wait a few seconds to continue starting up 1、 开机按command+s, 看是否可以进入单用户模式。 2 、如无法进入,开机 commad+r 进入恢复系统模式,进入终端 3 、载入磁盘,mount -uw / ...
Restart your computer, and press and hold the Command+Options+Shift+R button. Then, your Mac computer will start to install its original OS version. Once it completes, restart your Mac to check if theMac stuck on booting screenproblem disappears. ...
Step 1.Restart your MacBook, and press the "Command + Option + P + R for 20 seconds to reset NVRAM. Step 2.Release those keys and let it startup normally. [N.B: For outdated Macs, which chime during boot, the four keys need to be held until you hear a second chime.] ...