dump-trusted-setting 显示信任配置 user-trust-settings-enable 显示或管理用户级别的信任配置 trust-settings-export 导出信任配置 trust-settings-import 导入信任配置 verify-cert 验证证书 authorize 授权操作 authorizationdb 变更授权策略数据库 execute-with-privileges 带特权执行工具 leaks 在本进程中运行/usr/bin/l...
Screenshots It seems you haven't trusted the certificate yet. In step 4.2: Setting app > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings > Switch ON
配置: 1.第一步当然是安装证书咯,点击Certificate->Install Certificate on this Mac (我不会选装图片,哈哈) 然后点击安装,Automatic->Install&Trust Certificate,一键安装成功 2.手机端安装证书, iOS设备:点击Certificate->Install Certificate on iOS Devices 安卓同理 安装页面提示操作: 3.按照以上操作,手机端装好...
the next step is to change the trust settings for certificates causing the problem. Most certificates will use default settings that will either mean they are trusted or not. Some certificates use custom settings. If these custom settings are set incorrectly, it can cause macOS to display an in...
Verify the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on iPhone and navigate to General -> Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it. 按照步骤操作后,重新运行就可以了。
Domain com.microsoft.Outlook Key TrustO365AutodiscoverRedirect Data Type Boolean Possible values false (default) true Requires Configuration Profile No Availability 15.29 Comments When set to 'true' users aren't prompted to Allow or Deny redirects from AutoDiscover. They're automatically allowed.Weather...
I then opened Keychain Access.app to see if I could identify what changes the installer had made to my certificate trust settings. This is where my uncertainty begins. In Keychain Access.app, under the "System" keychain, I immediately saw a new self-signed root certificate called "...
在菜单栏选择 『Help -> SSL Proxying -> Install Charles Root Certificate』,会自动导入 Charles Proxy CA 证书并打开Keychain Access,双击新导入的证书弹出证书信息页面,将 Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) 设置为 Always Trust,关闭页面后弹出密码提示,输入密码更新系统信任设置。
$ sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ca.crt Or, if you prefer to add the certificate to your own local keychain only (rather than for all users), run this command instead: $ security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k ~/Library...