1 根据电脑型号安装BootCamp驱动程序。2 下载并安装好BootCamp驱动程序后,进入BootCamp文件夹,然后进入$ WinPEDriver $文件夹下。确认是否有AppleBluetoothBroadcom64文件夹。3 打开设备管理器,右键单击Unknown device并选择更新驱动程序软件。4 在弹出的对话框中选择“Browse my computer for driver software”。5 然后...
If you download the drivers from BC Assistant, check Bootcamp.xml and check the specific version included in that package and compare it to your current running driver. If Apple provides an update, run Apple Software Update, but before you do, for your own safety, create a Windows System ...
最后是HDMI的,最新的HDMI2.0 Type-C不原生支持,必须要TB3的转接器 (或者转成DP再强行转成HDMI),所以转接线成本会很高,效果也不好,不推荐。 12.24更:新版Bootcamp驱动已修复在Windows下导致音响损坏的问题(Apple updates Boot Camp audio driver that was causing blown MacBook Pro speakers) Apple has issued an...
18年macbook..18年macbookair装了win10 ,蓝牙鼠标识别不出误打误撞解决安装好了蓝牙驱动应该最终主要还是在驱动人生中安装成功了那个异常驱动这之前本来自己使用bootcamp安装win10没成功,后来花
I only installed bootcamp for the sole purpose to play warzone anywhere. I Installed bootcamp on a SSD first on got 20fps. Wrote a Apple discussion and someone said SSD was the reason for low FPS. I installed windows 10 Home 2004 with Bootcamp blue driver April 2020. I I only manage ...
Microsoft says that the bluetooth driver of the computer does not support Miracast wireless projection. On the other hand, Airplay works perfectly on Mac OS. Therefore it is not a hardware problem. I think this could be overcome with some tweaks on the drivers, but the latest official ...
2.双击刚下载的.dmg档,解开并执行里面的BootCampAssistant.pkg安装档。(里面也包含了英文安装说明PDF档,如果您看不懂中文,可以跳过本篇直接参考这份官方文件)3.打开Finder,到“应用程序 -> 工具程序”里找到Boot Camp Assistant程序,点选执行它。4.Boot Camp Assistant程序打开后,会先跳出测试版...
If you want bluetooth, install the broadcom bluetooth driver in (wherever your windows support files keep)\bootcamp\drivers\boradcom. If you want it to make sound, install both of the cirrus drive in (wherever your windows support files keep)\bootcamp\drivers\Cirrus...
2.双击刚下载的.dmg档,解开并执行裡面的BootCampAssistant.pkg安装档。﹙裡面也包含了英文安装说明PDF档,如果您看不懂中文,可以跳过本篇直接参考这份官方文件﹚ 3.打开Finder,到「应用程式 -> 工具程式」裡找到Boot Camp Assistant程式,点选执行它。 图片 ...