The system starts an aging timer for each dynamic MAC address entry. If a dynamic MAC address entry is not updated within a certain period (twice the aging time), the entry is deleted. If the entry is updated within this period, the aging timer of this entry is reset. If the aging ti...
The system starts an aging timer for each dynamic MAC address entry. If a dynamic MAC address entry is not updated within a certain period (twice the aging time), the entry is deleted. If the entry is updated within this period, the aging timer of this entry is reset. If the aging ti...
MAC Address VLAN ID State Port/NickName Aging
1.1.5 mac-address timer 【命令】 mac-address timer{agingage|no-aging} undo mac-address timer aging 【视图】 系统视图 【参数】 agingage:二层地址动态表项的老化时间,取值范围为10~1000000,单位:秒;缺省情况下,地址老化时间为300s。 no-aging:不老化。
[Device] mac-address static 000f-e235-dc71 interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1 vlan 1 # 增加一个黑洞MAC地址表项,地址为000f-e235-abcd,属于VLAN 1。 [Device] mac-address blackhole 000f-e235-abcd vlan 1 # 配置动态MAC地址表项的老化时间为500秒。 [Device] mac-address timer aging 500 4. ...
mac-address multiport mac-address vlan vlan-id// 配置接口加入多端口单播MAC地址表项 1.2.2 关闭MAC地址学习功能 缺省情况下,MAC地址学习功能处于开启状态。有时为了保证设备的安全,需要关闭MAC地址学习功能。 常见的危及设备安全的情况是: 非法用户使用大量源MAC地址不同的报文攻击设备,导致设备MAC地址表资源耗尽...
[Device] mac-authentication timer offline-detect 180 [Device] mac-authentication timer quiet 180 # 配置MAC地址认证用户的账号格式:使用带连字符的MAC地址作为用户名与密码,其中字母小写。 [Device] mac-authentication user-name-format mac-address with-hyphen lowercase # 开启全局MAC地址认证。 [Device] mac...
[H3C-Ethernet1/0/1]mac-addressstatic 000f-e20f-0101vlan22、mac-addresstimer{agingage|no-aging}undomac-addresstimeraging 【用途】mac-addresstimer命令用来设置动态MAC地址表项的老化时间。undomac-addresstimer命令用来恢复动态MAC地址表项老化时间为缺省值。缺省情况下,动态MAC地址表项的老化时间为300秒。【...
mac-address blackhole mac-address vlan vlan-id 配置多端口单播MAC地址表项 mac-address multiport mac-address vlan vlan-id 2.配置动态MAC地址表项的老化时间 配置动态MAC地址表项的老化时间,默认老化时间为300秒 mac-address timer { aging seconds | no-aging } ...
for registrationA registration processor 31 for registering or updating an entry in the registration MAC address table 10 andEach time the switching timer 33 reaches the time of a predetermined aging periodClear processing unit 32 for deleting all entries in MAC address table 20 for deletion....