MAC address-based VLAN 基于MAC地址的VLAN,一种根据报文的源MAC地址来确定untagged报文所属VLAN的划分方法 802.1X 802.1X 802.1X协议是一种基于端口的网络接入控制协议(port based network access control protocol)。“基于端口的网络接入控制”是指在局域网接入设备的端口这一级对所接入的用户设备进行认证和控制。连...
2.3执行命令mac-vlan mac-addressmac-address [ mac-address-mask | mac-address mask-length ] [pr...
Before configuring MAC address-based VLAN assignment, you have completed the following task: Create a VLAN. For details, see Creating and Deleting a VLAN. Context In MAC address-based VLAN assignment mode, you do not need to reconfigure VLANs for users when their physical locations change. This...
在基于端口划分的Vlan中,每个802.1Q端口都会分配一个默认的Vlan ID,称为PVID(Port Vlan ID)或端口默认Vlan ID(default Vid),CISCO称之为native Vlan。端口接收到的所有untagged帧都认为属于端口默认Vlan ID,并在端口默认Vlan ID内转发。 注意,插入或剥除Vlan标签时均会对数据帧重新计算CRC。 VLAN链路与端口 * VL...
1、MAC VLAN典型配置举例MAC VLAN配置举例关键词:MAC VLAN、802.1X摘 要:本文介绍了基于MAC划分VLAN(以下简称MAC VLAN)的典型应用及其配置。缩略语:缩略语英文全名中文解释MAC VLANMAC address-based VLAN基于MAC地址的VLAN,一种根据报文的源MAC地址来确定untagged报文所属VLAN的划分方法802.1X802.1X802.1X协议是一种...
This document describes the configuration of Ethernet services, including configuring MAC address table, link aggregation, VLANs, MUX VLAN, Voice VLAN, VLAN mapping, QinQ, GVRP, VCMP, STP/RSTP/MSTP, VBST, SEP, RRPP, ERPS, LBDT, and Layer 2 protocol trans
MAC address VLAN ID From port Port index Ten-GigabitEthernet3/0/1 is link-up MAC authentication : Enabled Carry User-IP : Disabled Authentication domain : Not configured Auth-delay timer : Disabled Periodic reauth : Disabled Re-auth server-unreachable : Logoff Guest VLAN : Not configured Guest...
CBS350(config-vlan)#map mac [mac-address][prefix-mask| host]macs-group [group-id] 选项有: mac-address — 指定要映射到VLAN组的MAC地址。此MAC地址不能分配给任何其他VLAN组。 prefix-mask — 指定MAC地址的前缀。只查看MAC地址的一部分(从左到右),然后放入组中。长度数值越...
(as the ipv6 stack). good point is that a pc nic and its mac address can change over time. best regards giuseppe 0 helpful hi guys, this is actually better than i was looking for. no need for mac based vlan or vmps here is my future plans: 1) in the next few days, we will ...