mac地址和ip地址有啥区别?MAC地址和IP地址是现代计算机网络中两个非常重要的概念,它们各自承担着不同的角色和功能。 首先,MAC地址(Media Access Control Address)是一种物理地址,它是烧录在网卡或接口上的,…
1、使用不同 IP地址是指Internet协议使用的地址,而MAC地址是Ethernet协议使用的地址。当存在一个附加层...
IP地址是网络层的概念,而MAC地址是数据链路层的概念。IP地址在网络层上对不同的硬件地址类型进行了统一,从而提供网络互联的可能;而硬件地址在真正的数据传输中要用到。当应用程序把数据从源主机发送到目标主机时,只需指定目标IP地址,不需关心目标的硬件类型。在数据包的传输过程中,目标IP地址不变,而硬件 的ip和m...
IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)的全称叫作互联网协议地址,它的本义是为互联网上的每一个网络和每一台主机配置一个唯一的逻辑地址,用来与物理地址作区分。 IP地址分为:IPv4和IPv6(这里着重讲的是IPv4地址)。IP地址是由32位的二进制数组成,它们通常被分为4个“8位二进制数”,我们可以把它理解为4个字节,它...
地址是指Internet协议使用的地址,而MAC地址是Ethernet协议使用的地址。IP地址与MAC地址之间并没有什么必然的联系,MAC地址是Ethernet NIC(网卡)上带的地址,为48位长。每个Ethernet NIC厂家必须向IEEE组织申请一组MAC地址,在生产NIC时编程于NIC卡上的串行EEPROM中。因此每 ...
Function of Mac Address: It is a unique identifier assigned to every device on the network It uniquely identifies the nodes on the network It can be used to determine where a packet is coming from or going to Difference between IP Address and Mac Address: ...
MAC Address vs IP Address difference A MAC (Machine Access Control) address is a serial number assigned to every network adaptor. Your computer’s network adaptor MAC address travels the network only until the next device along the way. This means that your MAC address won’t go further than...
How is a MAC address and IP address different? When you just learn about MAC addresses, it can be difficult to differentiate them from IP addresses, which more people are familiar with. So what’s the difference? Both MAC and IP are critical to any network, and they work well together...
1. MAC地址是否可以被伪造? (Can MAC Address be Spoofed?) 是的,MAC地址可以被伪造。这意味着用户可以更改设备的MAC地址,以便在网络中显示为其他设备。这在某些情况下可能用于隐私保护,但也可能被用于恶意目的。 2. MAC地址和IP地址有什么区别? (What is the difference between MAC Address and IP Address?)...
What's the difference between MAC and IP addresses? While both MAC and IP addresses are used for communication on a network, they serve different purposes. A MAC address is assigned by the manufacturer of a NIC and identifies the hardware itself, while an IP address is assigned by software ...