WARNING: unable to extract uploader id; please report this issue on https://yt-dl.org/bug . Make sure you are using the latest version; see https://yt-dl.org/update on how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output. [download] D...
sudo curl -L https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl 解决: 先man curl 一下,看 curl 做了什么事情。 把这个路径的资源https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl下载, 放入本机的路径 /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl 这个过程使用命令行,实在是不可思议的...
ERROR:unabletoopenforwriting:[Errno13]Permission denied:'西野カナ 『応援ソングPLAYLIST』ダイジェスト-サブスク全曲解禁記念-bMjOa4bxyrw.f137.mp4.part' 这个大概知道原因 主要是因为youtube-dl默认下载在当前文件夹,然后我运行terminal的地方是需要sudo权限的,只要在用户文件夹下的目录进行就不用加sudo了。
If using API, add 'verbose': True to YoutubeDL params instead Copy the WHOLE output (starting with [debug] Command-line config) and insert it below Complete Verbose Output [debug] Command-line config: ['-vU', 'https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nmzzYQE3m/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-...