The PerformanceTestandtheChecklisthavebeenstandardizedusingalarger,morerepre-sentative normative sample. The evolution of the MABC-2 and researchusing the MABC is presented to provide a context for the MABC-2.The content of the MABC-2 is described including the scoring format,standardization sample,...
Monash University – Peninsula Campus,Frankston, VIC, AustraliaAbbreviationsAB Age bandsADHD Attention def i cit/hyperactivitydisorderAS Asperger’s Syndrome (AS)ASD Autism Spectrum DisorderBOTMP Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of MotorProf i ciencyBOT-2 Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of MotorProf i ciency, ...
) states that the MABC-2 Performance Test or the Checklist “can be used to identify a child with motor difficulties by comparing the child’s score to the normative data. However, neither instrument should be used on its own as a......