Purified colored nanospheres were obtained from the dispersion via a series of steps. First, 10 mL of HCl solution (1.0 mol/L) was added to 50 mL of the colored sample under magnetic stirring, and then the colored nanospheres were separated by 3 cycles of centrifuging-washing with 0.1 mol...
eAafktserapthpeeacroeldoraaptipoanre(bnltulye, bliuntenaoncdhraendgelintoeo),kinpltahcee ainngthlee rraannggee of 0–25◦, revealing that the colored nanospheres contain crystalline dyes. There was only a single Polymers 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 13 oPfol2y5m–er3s52°0,1t...