The MA252 features our McIntosh Monogrammed Heatsinks™which are connected to advanced high current output transistors. These transistors eliminate the typical amplifier warm-up time so that the MA252 is in peak operating condition from the moment it’s turned on. A powerful control microprocessor...
價格 來源 建立日期 McIntosh MA 252 ** New Price 3200CAD Canuck Audio Mart 2024-09-22 McIntosh Tube Integrated Amp model MA252 with Remote 3495CAD Canuck Audio Mart 2024-09-14 Mcintosh(매킨토시)MA252 하이브리드 인티앰프 ...
BOSE IZA190-HZ 定压 IZA250-LZ 定阻 背景音乐功放 BOSE博士功放 BOSE品牌 上海声宗智能科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥5800.00/台 广东广州 YAMAHA(雅马哈)HTR-3068专业5.1功放 阻抗8OHMS 额定功率100W 全国联保 美音美音响科技(广州)有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥4999.00/台 广东深圳 皇冠(CROWN) KVS300 两...
不过,今年过年相对较早,复试的备战也要提上日程了。 我们知道,复试对于很多同学而言是一个不小的挑战,很多同学肯定也在纠结: “复试要准备哪些书?” “有没有复试书单?” “哪些书是必须看的呀?” 别担心,小马这篇推文就是来帮大家“捋个明白”这些问题的!让你...
The ultra-low dropout makes the device suitable for automotive systems that need to operate during cranking condition. The new loop concept combines fast regulation and very high stability while requiring only one small ceramic capacitor of 1 µF at the outp...
☞ 课文动画 | PEP人教版小学英语上册大放送!(Wu Binbin版) ☞新人教3-6年级英语上册同步微课辅导Unit 1 What's he like 课本听力 ☞ p72 Unit 1 Words 单词 ☞ p02 Unit 1 Main scene 主情景 ☞ p04 Unit 1 A L...
Reflection of Rural Elderly Women on Welfare Schemes: Expectations and RealityR. GurumoorthyDr. D. Thirumalraja
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