doi:10.1111/j.1600-0811.2007.420208.xFastrupAnneBlackwell Publishing LtdRevue Romane
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Healthcare analytics, AI solutions for biological big data, providing an AI platform for the biotech, life sciences, medical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as for related technological approaches, i.e., curation and text analysis with machine learning and other activities related to AI ...
cv & experience Olivier Bruaux Comédien bilingue anglais français (films, théâtre, cinéma) - Metteur en scène/ French English bilingual actor (movies, theater, films) - Stage Director, coach
Acute liver failure (ALF) is a serious clinical disorder with high fatality rates. Mahuang decoction (MHD), a well-known traditional Chinese medicine, has multiple pharmacological effects, such as anti-inflammation, anti-allergy, anti-asthma, and anti-hyperglycemia. In this study, we investigated...
Abstract:Devices and methods for obtaining a three-dimensional image of an internal body site are provided. The subject devices are elongated structures (e.g., catheters) having a plurality of ultrasonic transducers located at their distal end. The configuration of the plurality of ultrasonic transd...
Françoise Cette année, jai trouvé un emploi dans un hypermarché. Cest très grand. Jai eu de lexpérience dans toutes les sections et maintenant je travaille à la caisse. Ce nest pas très passionnant comme travail. Gérard Dhabitude, je travaille chez mon oncle qui est boulanger. Quelq...
The rationale for purging of autologous acute myeloid leukemia (AML) grafts is to eradicate contaminating leukemic cells that might contribute to relapse. However, in vitro purging generally delays post-transplant hematopoietic recovery, thus increasing treatment-related complication rates. Theoretically, thi...
While dispensable for baseline homeostatic cardiac function, acts as a key regulator of short-term mitochondrial calcium loading underlying a 'fight-or-flight' response during acute stress: acts by mediating a rapid increase of mitochondrial calcium in pacemaker cells. participates in mitochondrial ...
Hero Baby para mamás y bebés最新版截图 # Hero Baby para mamás y bebés最新版 No te pierdas la nueva Edición primavera de la App que Hero Baby pone a tu disposición para ayudarte en el día a día de bebé. La ayuda perfecta para mamás como tú...