MA micro automation is one of the internationally leading companies in automation technology and offers individual solutions for medical technology industry
近日,日立株式会社(日立)与MAX Management GmbH签订了股权转让协议,日立拟以7150万欧元(约合119亿日元)的价格收购MA micro automation GmbH的全部股份。本次交易计划在获得各国监管机构批准后,将于2024年下半年完成。 公告信息显示,MAX Automation曾于2023年9月宣布出售MA micro automation。出售MA micro automation的价...
Ma Micro Automation Gmbh公司的提单样本 提单号BANQ1059424379 到港日:2024-06-12 产品 运输 公司 集装箱号:FCIU7596102 × 货物#1 描述PM4 RETROFIT MATERIAL 关键词material海关编码数据不可用件数2 长度480高度108 宽度96装箱状态Loaded 密封条GEN02067设备描述数据不可用 ...
日立公司已签署协议,将以7150万欧元从MAX Automation的子公司MAX Management GmbH收购MA micro automation GmbH的全部股份。MA micro automation是一家总部位于德国的机器人及自动化技术供应商,此次收购后,该公司将加入日立在2019年收购的JR Automation Technologies。这标志着日立在全球自动化解决方案领域,尤其是在欧洲和医...
PMA Prozess- und Maschinen-Automation GmbH 数据线 9407-998-00003+9499-040- BESTA 气动式浮球 MV-01-04 动作型式:比例式,附却水器;外壳材质:抗海水型铸铝; Kiepe 开关 Typ.HEN 001 Sach-Nr.91.043 450.001 LDM90L8-B5EL-1 0.55KW B4151-0/13.5 Nr:6904715 L+B GEL 2442-KM1G 5K150-E 540, 10...
Angelika Fuchs, Chapter Lead Data Products and Platforms, pRED Data & Analytics, Roche Diagnostics GmbH With the increase of digitalization in Pharma R&D, increasingly large and complex system landscape have been established to address the manifold research use cases and processes. As a consequence,...
Avinash Patel, PhD, Senior Director, Head Exploratory Sciences, Dewpoint Therapeutics GmbH Biomolecular condensates regulate key biological processes, and their dysfunction, or condensatopathies, drives disease. These are novel therapeutic targets for drug discovery. Dewpoint’s AI-powered platform uses...
Scope of the certification The service management system of MAWOH GmbH supports the provision of Perimeter Network Services, Web Services and Authentication Services from all locations of MAWOH GmbH. Locations covered by the certification Dieselstrasse 7 Karlsfeld 85757 Bayern Germany...
Posted in Drug Delivery Platform Technology, Drug Development Process, Drug Discovery Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Discovery, Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery, Pharmaceutical R&D Informatics, Pharmaceutical R&D Investment, Pharmacogenomics, Rapid automation of plasma protein pools on November 4, 2019| Leave a Comment...
OP-440 4-line Display Panel Automation Direct Optimate OP22OOB8K FANUC OP22OOB8K FANUC OP22OOB8K FANUC On-Q Legrand LCD Display Module CM1003 On-Q Legrand LCD Display Module CM1003 On-Q Legrand ALC Input/Output Module ONGARD STERILIZATION TECHNOLOGIES LAB WASHER PC-1000 ...