University of Westminster威斯敏斯特大学 MEDIA MANAGEMENT MA媒体管理文学硕士 双非80%可冲 Astar英联邦留学 英国留学生活4年 英国学习生活避坑小指南威斯敏斯特大学位于伦敦的"心脏"地带,是一座文理兼修、既有近二百年的历史底蕴又有现代的蓬勃激情的综合性大学。在大学的四个校区之中,有三个校区Regent Street,...
威斯敏斯特大学(University of Westminster)是位于伦敦的一所英国公立综合类研究型大学。QS世界排名一般在9...
International Human Resource Management & Development [MSc] International Management & Design Innovation [MSc] International Strategic Marketing [MSc] Investment Banking & Finance [MSc] Investment Fund Management [MSc] 04杜伦大学Durham University 根据金融时报2019年的排名,杜伦商学院位列英国第10位,位列欧洲...
Middlesex University Dubai MA Education (Teaching and Learning) Dubai, United Arab Emirates MA Part time 2 years On-Campus English The MA Education offers you the unique ability to choose your area of specialisation through opting for the MA Education (Leadership and Management), the MA Education...
Fashion Management MPS 时尚管理硕士 课程简介 帕森斯的时尚管理硕士课程为你在不断变化的时尚商业环境中推进和转变你的职业生涯做好准备。你将学会挑战时尚界现有的模式,并为时尚企业、初创企业和时尚相关的服务开发开创性的想法。毕业生回到工作岗位后,在全球和本地制造、道德生产、价值链、市场营销和商品销售方面拥有...
4.Corporate Communications and Reputation Management 5.Fashion Promotion and PR 课程的话理论+实践,必修课每学期1门理论课,都是学术型的essay,有课堂辩论和写博客的作业( You will create campaigns, pitch to clients, stage a press conference and create videos and blogs, as well as write research repor...
媒体管理-Media Management; 大众传播-Mass Communication; 广告-Advertising; 新闻-Journalism; 在这六个方向当中,媒体管理、广告、新闻是更偏实践性的;还有一些稍微小众的,偏向于fine arts艺术类的专业,比如film exhibition and curation电影展览与策展,这个就要根据各...
University of Westminster Building Information Management MSc Senior lecturer Rob Garvey 威斯敏斯特大学 【BIM 理学硕士】 高级讲师 Rob Garvey The unique nature of our MSc is the focus on management, which will create professionals who are able to man...
MA Luxury Brand Management ELEVENTEN 学员YIJIN WANG YIJIN WANG毕业于上海视觉艺术学院的服装与服饰设计专业,担任过设计师和CHANEL香奈儿的pr实习。 学员采访节选 Q:首先非常开心你拿到金匠学院Goldsmiths的奢侈品管理硕士offer,可以分享一下面试过程吗?对于面试下来有什么感受?
However, in 2014, the three Ziff brothers closed their hedge funds to take a different approach to wealth management. #19. Dorrance family Justin Sullivan // Getty Images #19. Dorrance family - Net worth: $15 billion - Number of family members: 11 (est.) - Source of wealth: Campbell ...