The DDR is a form of chemical intelligence. It ensures that the enzymes that have the ability to remodel the structure of DNA—enzymes that are actually dangerous to DNA if used inappropriately—are activated and deployed at the right time and right place to resolve a particular altered DNA st...
New e-Book TITLES forthcoming,http://Amazon.comin 2016 LPBI Group’s BioMed e-Series – Forthc… Aviva Lev-Ari@AVIVA1950Apr 26 LIVE#WMIF16Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator, CMS & Giovanni…
10. Halliwell, B.; Gutteridge, JMC. Free radicals in biology and medicine. Vol. 4. Oxford University Press; 2007. 11. Rushmore TH, Morton MR, Pickett CB. The antioxidant responsive element. Actiavtion by oxidative stress and identification of the DNA consensus sequence required for functional ...