(Japanese, literally 'space') it is used in music to describe a period of silence. In taiko drumming, ma is the period between hits on the drum. It is important to appreciate this silence when playing taiko, just as you would appreciate the sound of a hit on the drum. Since ensemble...
Announcing Meridian Japanese 2007-06-05 We started Meridian with a vision, that this magazine could… Helen Whitney: Missing the Mark 2007-05-04 The PBS documentary on The Mormons may have perpetuated prejudices… J ane Clayson Johnson: I Am a Mother 2007-04-20 her - become a mother. She...
The meaning of MAMUSHI is a small venomous pit viper (Agkistrodon blomhoffi) that is marked with dark brown blotches on a pale gray ground, is widely distributed in the Japanese islands, and is represented by identical or closely related forms on the adj
This notion of frontier as a space that belongs to the inside and the outside concomitantly refers to the Japanese concept ofaidaFootnote20.Aidabases the construction of relations in Japanese society and means “space between men” [2]. In the context ofaida, in whichMa’s shared space is ...
(pronounced ma-KEER-oh-pro-SOH-pus) Machaeroprosopus (meaning"knife face") was aphytosaur(not a dinosaur). This marine reptile had a thin, knife-like crest of its skull (hence its name). This crocodile-like animal had four short legs, a long tail, armored skin, sharp teeth in elong...
InteractionCreative processImprovisationMa means emptiness, space, time or pause and its origin is correlated to the ideas of transience and incompleteness characteristic of Zen-Buddhist aesthetics. However, more than a concept, Ma is a modus operandi in Japanese daily life, which illustrates a pla...
The meaning of “surimi in Japanese is literally “ground meat” which makes sense, though it is only used in the context of a fish paste, not other meats (other than jokingly or idiomatically). How Kanikama Is Made – The Story of Surimi ...
marriage : visiting marriage, visitational marriage; a marriage sometimes based on duolocal residence, or matrilocal residence. The Japanese were visitational but matrilocal in ancient Japan, at least until the fourteenth century. Opp. companionate marriage. ...
"Also applied colloq. to a middle-aged or elderly woman, esp. one in authority" [OED]. See origin and meaning of ma.
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