💡国际生学费:£24450英镑/年 🗣英语语言要求:雅思6.5分或以上,阅读、写作、听力和口语至少5.5分。 END 想要咨询的艺术留学的同...
本人专业是室内设计 拿到了UAL CCW的预科(申请的CAM MA interior and spatial design最后给了这个预科) Goldsmiths申的是Expanded Practice- Spaces & Participation,已经拿到了offer 真的很纠结啊啊啊,毕竟ual是梦校但是给了预科我真的很想流泪,想知道读CCW室内设计的预科含金量高吗,值不值得多花一年时间金钱去读呀...
Chelsea College of Arts MA Summer Show 2017 Catch the 'up and coming' artists and designers of tomorrow at the Chelsea College of Arts Postgraduate Summer Show, featuring work by graduating students from the following courses: MA Fine Art MA Interior & Spatial Design MA Textile Design MA Curat...
△伦艺官网:MA Graphic Media Design 分别为Camberwell MA Interior and Spatial Design、CamberwellMA Graphic Design Communication、CSM MA Industrial Design、LCC MA Graphic Media Design、LCC MA Graphic Branding and Identity、LCC MA Interaction Design、LCC MA User Experience Design ...
As an Interior Designer, he took the leading role in the design and the construction of the BFC Shanghai’s Bund financial Center underground shopping mall as a flagship work of his Interior Design career in Shanghai. In addition to his role as a des...
大家好,我是黄冶平,现在就读于四川大学艺术学院环境设计专业四年级。本科四年的学习使我对空间设计产生了浓厚的兴趣,由此我希望进一步研究并尝试一些不同的实验性空间设计。 我很幸运的拿到了伦敦艺术大学切尔西学院interior and spatial design的硕士offer。直到面试的那一刻,听到面试官对我申请专业的详细描述,我才真正...
中世界排名第六,目前有三个建筑相关专业可以申请,分别为Master's programme in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior Architecture - Architecture,Master's programme in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior Architecture - Interi...