Macaronic text spoken or written using a mixture of languages, although the term is occasionally used of hybrid words, which are in effect internally macaronic Macaronic language from which this extract has been taken Macaronis (French m. pl.) macaroni (a pasta) Macaroons cakes made from ground...
There are many other biblical verses that are used to promote polygyny. However, we share an argument with Landman and Shumba (2020) in that there is a distortion particularly on the story of human creation in which God creates a male first and a female second inferring that the 'first' ...
” A lot of the salient points in “justice” were not served as well for future generations by the quips and 21st century culture that resonated with my contemporary mind. Perhaps it doesn’t need to be as wooden as “Shining Like the Sun,” but I’d like to see a scholarly ...