ucl-Digital Media: Critical Studies MA所属学院/系:Culture, Communication and Media专业背景要求:一般要求相关专业背景,比如媒体研究、文化研究、艺术、教育、数字媒体、互动媒体、英语,非相关专业背景的学生如果在教育、媒体和或文化产业领域拥有至少一年的工作经验也会被学校考虑,这个专业适用于对媒体研究和文化研究...
伦敦大学学院的数字媒体硕士(教育学分支)(MA Digital Media: Education)前身是Digital Media, Culture and Education(这个专业2021年起分成了三个分支:Critical Studies, Education和Production)。 作为Digital Media专业的Education分支,这个专业的核心是从广义的角度探索教育,研究关于在校内外甚至是博物馆和美术馆、游戏、...
MA Digital Media:Education MA Digital Media:Critical Studies MA Digital Media:Producation 单从官网的课程设置来看,和之前的MA Digital Media, Culture and Education相比没有太大改变,可以借鉴本篇就读体验。 个人背景 cattie 本科是中外合办大学,传播学专业,申请时的均分63(二等一学位)。 投递申请的时间是2017...
UCL Digital Media: Critical Studies MA Digital Media: Education MA Digital Media: Production MA 背景要求:媒体研究,文化研究,艺术,教育,数字媒体,互动媒体,英语 如果非以上专业,有1年传媒、教...
Y同学分析过移动媒体游戏产业,Kingsley老师据此认为这段经历可以加以理论化,形成一个对媒体产业的批判性反思,那么这个方向最适配Y同学的项目应该包括UCL的MA Digital Media: Critical Studies,KCL 的MA Digital Culture and Society(其中主修课有一周就是从游戏视角切入),华威大学的MA Digital Media and Culture。如果...
The Art and Design of Computer Games Arts Management and Curatorship Critical Theory for Contemporary Curators History and Making of Exhibitions Digital Media for Curating 【选修课程】 http://www.cityu.edu.hk/catalogue/pg/201819/programme/MACM.htm...
This technology is still maturing, and you should approach it with both enthusiasm and caution. Always stay informed and critically evaluate how these solutions fit into yourprivacy-first strategy, ensuring your identity remains secure in an ever-evolvingdigital age. ...
Digital Transformation.3 Paths to Master your Digital Wisdom Take your career to the next level by mastering a critical area of the digital economy: Learn more Learn more Learn more The Program at a glance:1. Program Overview 2. Specializations 3. Program Structure 4. Who is this...
Looking for postgraduate studies Student but not looking for further education at the moment Academic Parent or Guardian University administrator Professional Other Submit Thanks for sending your response. Your input will help us improve your experience.You can close this popup to continue ...
The Master of Arts in Multimedia Arts and Design – the first program of its kind recently set up in central/southern Italy – succeeds in fully embracing this complex area of studies, addressing the increasingly central role played by digital technologies and techniques in the design of multimedi...