1.Kondori, A.et al. Science379, 499–505 (2023). 2.International Energy Agency.Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector(IEA, 2021). 3.Frith, J. T., Lacey, M. J. & Ulissi, U.Nature Co...
which will guide the country's planning of space science missions and space research from 2024 to 2050. The program outlines the development goals of China's space science, including 17 priority areas under five key scientifi...
FollowFast Company’sroadmap to social media: surefire rules, data, and expert wisdom guaranteed to show why this market is completely unpredictable.READ MORE The biggest challenge to treating patients with diabetes isn’t doling out medications, it’s making sure that people control their habits....
DHL Global Forwarding is taking ownership through its GoGreen Plus service, which is part of our sustainability roadmap towards net zero logistics emissions by 2050. Cleaning up the oceans will keep marine life intact and preserve our planet for ...
For deal certainty, it is essential that US acquirers develop a clear FDI roadmap that accounts for any potential obstacles. Mixed signals: US M&A FY 2022 29 The SEC scored record penalties in fiscal year 2022 Many were anticipating an enforcement crackdown by the Securities and Exchange ...
Dominique von Orelli, Global Head of Ocean Freight at DHL Global Forwarding, said: “The challenge of decarbonizing heavy transport demands a rethink by the entire industry. In Hapag-Lloyd we found, to our delight, a partner that shares our amb...
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Laying the Foundation for Carbon Neutrality by Announcing “2050 Carbon Neutrality Roadmap for the Marine and Fisheries Sector”[1] (薛明媚 李姝影 张娴) ——...
原文链接:https://iea.blob.core.windows.net/assets/f4d0ac07-ef03-4ef7-8ad3-795340b37679/NetZeroby2050-ARoadmapfortheGlobalEnergySector_Chinese_CORR.pdf 17.全球升温 1.5°C 决策者摘要 原文链接:https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/sites/2/20...
Global Cement and Concrete Association. The GCCA 2050 Cement and Concrete Industry Roadmap for Net Zero Concrete2;America’s Cement Manufactuers. Road Map to Carbon Neutrality https://www.cement.org/newsroom/2021/10/12/po...
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Roadmap-launched-for-expansion-of-nuclear-energy-i 对外交流合作部 编译 沙特阿拉伯推进核能计划 沙特能源大臣阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹亲王在维也纳举行的国际原子能机构 (IAEA)第68届大会上表示,沙特阿拉伯正在推进和平利用核能与辐射...