Siemens EDA AXI 驗證 IP 套件(Intel® FPGA 版)提供匯流排功能性模組(BFM),可模擬行為,協助驗證符合 Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture Advanced eXtensible Interface (AMBA* AXI*) 通訊協定的智慧財產(IP),具有為您簡化應用程式介面(API)的限制。
AXI Stream VIP 于 2017.1 版发布。 通用指南 下表列出了有关一般指南的答复记录: 答复记录标题 (Answer 70620)面向验证 IP(VIP) 的 API 文档 已知和已解决的问题 下表提供了已知问题。 Note:The "Version Found" column lists the version the problem was first discovered. ...
Can We use the Xilinx -VPSS IP with PL side DDR4 interface instead of PS side DDR4 in ZCU106? Will it Need the Processor memory map for Address arbitration? Idea is to use video stream related memory in PL side DDR4 only. So Smart AXI in...
the "NUM_READ_OUTSTANDING" and "NUM_WRITE_OUTSTANDING" parameters of the M_AXI_B port are reset to "2" after "Validate BD Design" is executed in IP Integrator. No matter what the value is set to in the GUI, it is always reset to 2. ...
The Siemens EDA AXI Verification IP Suite (Intel® FPGA Edition) provides bus functional models (BFMs) to simulate the behavior and to facilitate the verification of intellectual property (IP) that conforms to the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture Advanced eXtensible Interface (AMBA* AXI...
Hi Can you mention which device you are targeting. There is AXI-Bridge IP available , if you look in the Qsys. Can you try with the AXI-Bridge and
NVMe AXI FPGA IP Core通过AXI4 总线协议标准接口进行交互并且内部实现PCIe Bridge,支持AXI Master FULL和AXI Stream两个版本;通过RC/RQ/CC/CQ AXI Stream接口与AMD Devices PCI Express IP 集成内核进行交互,实现不依靠CPU对外部存储器 NVMe M.2 SSD进行读写,兼容NVM Express 1.4协议,支持PCIe Gen 1.0,2.0,3.0...
1.IP Addressの変更 2. (変更先のセグメントが異なる場合は)Default Route/Gatewayの変更 Web UIにはC9800で言うところの「Configuration > Routing Protocols > Static Routing」のメニューがないため、 Static Routeの設定変更はできないようです。
66114 - 2015.4 Vivado IP Flows - Video Processing Subsystem- ERROR: [BD 41-237] Bus Interface property DATA_WIDTH does not match between /axi_mem_intercon/m01_couplers/auto_pc/S_AXI(32) and /axi_mem_intercon/m01_couplers/auto_cc/M_AXI(512) ...
66295 - Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Processing System IP - PS-PL AXI Interfaces do not function correctly at 64-bit or 32-bit widths (or 128-bits for M_AXI_HP0_LPD) Description When using an AXI interface with 32 or 64-bit width (or 128-bits for M_AXI_HP0_LPD), the data is not ...