2001年,911事件之后,恐怖大王本拉登的录象和照片在媒体频频亮相,细心的人会注意到,本拉登身穿一件很有质感的丛林迷彩的外套。相信美国政府和美国士兵一定会为这件外套大跌眼镜,因为它就是赫赫有名的FIELDJACKET---M65! 美军军服、当年美国为了支援阿富汗抵抗苏联侵略而提供给游击队的援助物资。在80年代,勇敢...
如今军品发烧友们能见到的秋冬季军用服装最常见的就是被人们称为M65的野战风衣,自1965年(实际是1965年设计定型,1966首次生产)配发到驻扎在温带和寒带地区的美军以来,一直服役至今(2008年停产,实际90年代后期就已经逐渐撤装),也有人称之为M65野战夹克(英文名称M-65 FIELD JACKET),这是由于当初开发野战大衣时,最早...
Excellent, versatile and wind resistant jacket! The outside fabric is made from jinteng® soft shell. It has a very nice soft feel but, is also very tough. The inside liner has light felt, creating an overall warm and very comfortable jacket! *Material 600denier Light ...
Military 150 Vintage 146 Streetwear 65 Japanese Brand 59 Alpha Industries 33 Visvim 24 Archival Clothing 16 Made In Usa 13 M 65 Field Jacket 11 Avirex 9 Wacko Maria 8 Hysteric Glamour 7 PPFM 7 Enfants Riches Deprimes 5 Other 5 Price $ $ Condition New/Never Worn39 Gently Used153 Used...
Style of M65 Combat Field Jacket USA Army Style Outer Fabric of M65 Combat Field Jacket T/C, CVC, Cotton, N/C, etc. Lining of M65 Combat Field Jacket Polyester Liner of M65 Combat Field Jacket Polyester Fabric Weight of M65 Combat Field Jacket as Per Ar...
Excellent, versatile and wind resistant jacket! The outside fabric is made from jinteng® soft shell. It has a very nice soft feel but, is also very tough. The inside liner has light felt, creating an overall warm and very comfortable jacket! *...
Made with a soft washed cotton, the Rothco M-65 field jacket offers a vintage look and feel. Enjoy going out and about with this men's lightweight field jacket.
如今军品发烧友们能见到的秋冬季军用服装最常见的就是被人们称为M65的野战风衣,自1965年(实际是1965年设计定型,1966首次生产)配发到驻扎在温带和寒带地区的美军以来,一直服役至今(2008年停产,实际90年代后期就已经逐渐撤装),也有人称之为M65野战夹克(英文名称M-65 FIELD JACKET),这是由于当初开发野战大衣时,最早...
如今军品发烧友们能见到的秋冬季军用服装最常见的就是被人们称为M65的野战风衣,自1965年(实际是1965年设计定型,1966首次生产)配发到驻扎在温带和寒带地区的美军以来,一直服役至今(2008年停产,实际90年代后期就已经逐渐撤装),也有人称之为M65野战夹克(英文名称M-65 FIELD JACKET),这是由于当初开发野战大衣时,最早...