Some BMWs don't work. The 335 coupé I tested recently is too expensive and too boring, the X3 is useless on every level and the Z4 coupé appears to have caught elephantiasis of the arse. But when they work, they work very well. And the models that work best of all are the most...
The 2012 BMW M6 convertible is a puzzling machine. Two conundrums, for example, present themselves immediately upon use of the primary controls. The first is trivial: the presence of a narrow, three-pedal-style brake-pedal pad in a car with no clutch pedal. The second is of infinitely mor...
209 -- 14:16 App BMW ALPINA B4 S Convertible REVIEW POV Test Drive 2125 -- 4:33 App BMW M3 F80 CS with iPE Innotech Performance Exhaust System! 3586 2 7:27 App BMW M3 G80 - Accelerations & Powerslide 429 1 4:47 App 2018 BMW Alpina B5 Bi turbo Touring AWD - Exterior Interior...
风中飘动的头发 BMW M6 CONVERTIBLE 换挡杆世界汽车马力BMW M6 CONVERTIBLE宝马头发宝马最近宣布了终极2+2敞篷M6的到来,这应该是有史以来最完美,最强劲的6系列产品.流通世界汽车
The Clarkson Review: BMW M6 convertible 猩式车评:宝马M6敞篷版(2007) Ugly Betty, I want to make babies with yo…阅读全文 赞同11 添加评论 分享收藏 新手能上手宝马m6吗? 12345678 可以,大马力后驱很好开,当代步车开完全没问题。但是我相信买m6的人不会把他当代步车开。 买得...
The Clarkson Review: BMW M6 convertible 猩式车评:宝马M6敞篷版(2007) Ugly Betty, I want to make babies with yo…阅读全文 赞同11 添加评论 分享收藏 宝马M6 汽车改装有什么注意事项? 姬凡 我就是我做回自己好 个人建议不要改装汽车。有安全隐患谢谢了阅读全文 赞同...
One might not expect such brutish power in what is a comfortable and cosseting convertible, but that’s exactly why we like it. Despite being more agile than the 6-series, the steering and the brakes lack the feedback needed to make the M6 a proper sports car. More on the BMW M6 ...
楼主 51:01回复0浏览 509 早啊 BMW(E64)M6 Convertible
SL63AMG 和 ..大型敞篷GT跑车才能体现生活质量和生活情趣。欧陆GT太肥,玛莎拉蒂捷豹神马的质量太成问题。这两辆才是极品。相对来说M6的四座实用性更强一点,当然AMG和M是给疯子准备的,悠闲地态度,640i足以,尼玛还不赶紧出个625i 630i什么的,尼玛640还是太贵啊
贴膜换心情 BMW M6 Convertible 摘要: 来自德国的,营业项目为车身贴膜,主张透过贴膜可以改变外观质感与风格。 整辆M6 Convertible都经过Fostla.de贴膜,后视镜则是 ... 来自德国的,营业项目为车身贴膜,主张透过贴膜可以改变外观质感与风格。