opened this issueNov 2, 2024· 0 comments siyuelongcommentedNov 2, 2024 目的是下载橙色p站视频 已经确认地址无误 从p站获取了请求头且反复检查了魔法,尝试重装下载器并尝试重装了魔法,无效 弹出error in reading files报错 日志里显示的是403 尝试别的站的视频,可以下载 ...
通过猫抓嗅探工具可以直接抓取m3u8链接,腾讯视频我刚试了,亲测可用 2022-08-07 回复2 [已重置] 我用猫爪下不了ts视频流 2024-03-29 回复喜欢 knowlhz 还得是你牛 2023-12-15 回复喜欢展开其他 1 条回复 知乎用户 出现error in reading file怎么处理啊 2023-04-25 回复...
地址正确了,但还是下载不了,在下载首分片的时候,提示“读取文件信息...Error in reading file” 这个有解决方案吗?TsungDeng commented Jul 12, 2020 用网页播放一个该站的视频,F12查看缓存TS的请求头看看都有哪些,然后在N_m3u8DL-CLI的请求头里面附上这些请求头就可以了,一般关键的请求头有Host、Referer和Use...
they are not playback-friendly and you might be troubled with an M3U8 cannot load error because M3U8 files are not general videos. Therefore, if you cannot open a M3U8 file in a player or a device, the best practice is to convert
{ return ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED; } off64_t size; if (reconnect) { if (!strncasecmp(url, "file://", 7)) { mDataSource = new FileSource(url + 7); } else if (strncasecmp(url, "http://", 7) && strncasecmp(url, "https://", 8)) { return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } else { Keyed...
Reading state information... Done E: Unable tolocatepackage m3u8-segmenter 笔者的安装方法: aptinstallcurl build-essential automake automake1.11libavformat-devpkg-configffmpeg cd/usr/src curl -o m3u8-segmenter.v1.0.2.tar.gz...
2:How do i perform that backup?, in 50 % of the cases when i manually try to copy the M3U8from playlist folder of to harddrive i will recieve an error ( its text message i cant give you right now) 3:And Here is a screendump that shows that my new extractedM3U8refuse to show up...
[ECGPlayVideoUtility pathForTempVideoDataWithVideoFileName:[_videoOrigionalUrlString lastPathComponent]]; NSData *filedata = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:strTempPath] options:NSDataReadingMappedIfSafe error:nil]; // This is the total data we have from startOffset to ...
Open output file 2021-03-17 15:05:52.721 20070-20114/com.jeffmony.videodemo E/FFmpeg_JeffMony: Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 1: 11264 >= 0 2021-03-17 15:05:52.721 20070-20114/com.jeffmony.videodemo E/FFmpeg_JeffMony: Error muxing packet ...
00:54:26.441 / (NORMAL) Error in reading file 00:54:26.497 / (ERROR) DOWN: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.