- LOG_FILE_PATH=/app/m3u_proxy.log - PORT=5612 # 保持这个不变,因为它是容器内部的端口 - HOST= - ADMIN_USERNAME=admin # 设置管理员用户名 - ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin123 # 设置管理员密码 restart: unless-stopped 注意:将 "您的服务器IP" 替换为您实际的服务器 IP 地址。 保存文件并退出编辑...
M3U (MP3 URL) is an audio playlist file stored with the .m3u extension. M3U is not an actual audio file, it just points to audio and sometimes video files. M3U was developed to be used with Winplay3 software by Fraunhofer. It is also supported by various media players and software. M3...
(R.layout.activity_main); String m3u8Url = "https://example.com/path/to/your/file.m3u8"; Uri uri = Uri.parse(m3u8Url); DataSource.Factory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(this, Util.getUserAgent(this, "yourAppName")); MediaSource mediaSource = new Mpeg2TsMediaSource....
public static List<FilePath> parseFromUrl(String url) { List<FilePath> resultList = null; HttpResponse response = HttpConnect.getResponseFromUrl(url); try { if(response != null){ resultList = new ArrayList<M3UParser.FilePath>(); InputStream in = response.getEntity().getContent(); Buffer...
1、根据用户输入的M3U文件的Url,访问网络,获取该M3U文件 2、对获取到的M3U文件进行解析,Android中并没有提供现成的方法来解析M3U文件 3、显示解析结果,并利用MediaPlayer来播放列表 代码如下: 1、HttpConnect类:封装网络访问 package demo.camera; import java.io.BufferedReader; ...
下面主要介绍urllib.parse模块提供的对上述url的解析,方面爬虫操作中后续操作,从官网文档中看出,最新的urlib.parse已经支持以下协议:file, ftp, gopher, hdl, http, https, imap, mailto, mms, news, nntp, prospero, rsync, rtsp, rtspu, sftp, shttp, sip, sips, snews, svn, svn+ssh, telnet, wais, ...
02 How to Open An M3U file? 03 How to Recover Deleted M3U Files? Part 1: What Is An M3U File? M3U is short for MP3 URL. It is an audio or sometimes video playlist file, such as .MP3 music or .MP4 videos, stored with the .m3u or .m3u8 extension. An M3U file is not an audi...
It is possible to find out the final stream url of an m3u file. E.g. m3u file url is http://server.address:8000/544.m3u and this url is streaming from e.g. https://youtuxxx.com/trgghh.m3u Foolowing ... stream m3u8 m3u
These files contain a single header line (#EXTM3U) followed by an entry for each media file. The mime type for file extension M3U - Media Playlist File is audio/x-mpegurl audio/mpeg-url application/x-winamp-playlist audio/scpls audio/x-scpls ...
These files contain a single header line (#EXTM3U) followed by an entry for each media file. The mime type for file extension M3U - Media Playlist File is audio/x-mpegurl audio/mpeg-url application/x-winamp-playlist audio/scpls audio/x-scpls ...