傳輸器 M300 Process 1-CH ½DIN 功能多元,方便使用.這款單通道1/2 DIN尺寸M300傳送器,是專為標準的製程應用所設計。本產品具備觸控螢幕介面,並與pH、ORP、溶解氧與電導率感測器相互整合。 高彈性 這款單通道多參數傳送器,可搭配採用ISM與類比技術的pH、ORP、溶解氧、電導率等感測...
傳輸器 M300 Process 2-CH ½DIN 功能多元,方便使用.這款雙通道1/2 DIN尺寸M300傳送器,是專為標準的流程應用所設計。本產品具備觸控螢幕介面,並與pH、ORP、溶解氧與電導率感測器相互整合。 高彈性 這款雙通道多參數傳送器,可搭配採用ISM與類比技術的pH、ORP、溶解氧、電導率等感測...
28、int)和过程校准(process),且预存8组缓冲溶液组,也可以手动输入缓冲溶液ph值。按照第7.2 节中所述,进入校准模式。 7.3.1 一点校准选择 “1 point”, 按键。将传感器浸入缓冲溶液。按键。 仪表将自动识别缓冲溶液类型并显示相应缓冲溶液ph值或手动输入缓冲溶液ph值。自动终点或在手动模式下按键手动终点,显示斜率...
THORNTON M300系列进程分析仪说明书 A n a l y t i c a l T r a n s m i t t e r s M300 Transmitters for Comprehensive Liquid Analysis THORNTON Leading Pure Water Analytics M300 Transmitters Conductivity / Resistivity pH / ORP Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved Ozone Flow / Total Flow ...
Mettler-Toledo梅特勒-托利多M300变送器-电导率 电阻率操作手册.pdf,Transmitter Cond/Res M300 V20 1 Operation Manual Conductivity/Resisitivity Transmitter M300 Transmitter Cond/Res M300 52 121 306 © 02/07 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland
pH校准 pH校准分一点(1 point)、二点(2 point)和过程校准(Process),且预存8组缓冲溶液组,也可以手动输入缓冲溶液pH值。按照第7.2 节中所述,进入校准模式。 7.3.1 一点校准选择 “1 point”, 按键。将传感器浸入缓冲溶液。按键。 仪表将自动识别缓冲溶液类型并显示相应缓冲溶液pH值或手动输入缓冲溶液pH值。
Readings acquired during the monitor process are displayed on the screen but will not be stored in memory. When the alarm function is applied to the channel being monitored, all the alarm M300 Quick Guide 29 RIGOL data will be stored in the alarm queue (the data will be cleared at power-...
蓝牙耳机BlueParrott M300-XT用户手册说明书 BlueParrott M300-XT User Manual
The M300 host has five module slots One slot is generally used for DMM measurement card, and the other four are used for measurement channel According to the selected module, the slot can have up to 64 measurement channels, and each host can have 256 measurement channels. ...
M300 Multi-Parameter Transmitter Series for pH/ ORP, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity and Ozone Versatile and user-friendly for a wide range of applications and industries Technical Data Short description The multi-parameter M300 Water and M300 Process transmitter series for pH / ORP, dissolved oxygen,...