La boîte de vitesses manuelle à six rapports équipant la nouvelle BMW M3 Berline est, à l’instar de la boîte de vitesses M Steptronic à huit rapports standard avec Drivelogic des modèles Competition, adaptée de façon optimale aux performances du moteur concerné. ...
La configuration orientée vers l’arrière du système de transmission intégrale intelligent renforce encore l’agilité de la nouvelle BMW M3 Competition Berline avec M xDrive et de la nouvelle BMW M3 Competition Touring avec M xDrive. Le système s’associe au différentiel M actif sur l’...
The edition “30 Years M3” builds on the Competition Package, which is optionally available for the BMW M3 series production model. It comprises an increase in engine output by 14 kW/19 hp to 331 kW/450 hp (BMW M3 “30 Years M3”: combined fuel consumption: 8.8–8.3 l/100 km, combi...
If I were driving on an even track such as Hockenheimring or the Nürburgring Grand Prix circuit, the Sport mode would be my first choice. In any case the BMW M3 is a lot of fun - and it is now even faster with the Competition Package. MPW: Thank you very much for the interview!
2023年中澳小马俱乐部线上盛装舞步赛(Australia-China Virtual Dressage Competition 2023 )即将于9月30日开赛,中澳骑手两地竞技、一起排名,让两国骑手不出国门也能相互PK。我们来了解一下参与起来简单的 “中澳小马俱乐部线上盛装舞步赛”吧~ 2023年中...
Hanyu retired from competition in July last year and now performs at professional skating shows. The soft-spoken 28-year-old became the first man to win back-to-back Olympic champions in 66 years at the 2018 Pyeongchang Games. He was followed throughout his career by...
截止目前,我们稻香湖学校乐队学院一共获得以下奖项: 单簧管独奏: 韩浩文 C组 一等奖(晋级决赛) 李方程 C组 二等奖 打击乐重奏: 戴伊静 李知远 刘家轩 那雯 王紫瑜 B组 一等奖(晋级决赛) Today is the last day of Hummingbird Music Awards in Beijing Provincial Competition, our percussion chamber group just...
China's Zhang Shuairetiredfrom her HungarianGrand Prixmatch in tears on Tuesday after her localopponentAmarissa Totheraseda ball mark on theclaycourt following adisputed line call. 周二,中国选手张帅在匈牙利大奖赛上含泪退赛,原因是她的对手匈牙利本土选手阿玛丽莎·托特(Amarissa ...