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Epson M2120用户指南说明书
VueScan is compatible with the Epson M2120 on Windows, macOS and Linux. If you're using Windows and you've installed aEpsondriver, VueScan's built-in drivers won't conflict with this. If you haven't installed a Windows driver for this scanner, VueScan will automatically install a driver....
Epson M2120 Driver Epson M2120 Driver for Windows and Macintosh OS. Microsoft Windows Supported Operating System Windows 11 Windows 10 (32/64 bit) Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit) Windows 8 (32/64 bit) Windows 7 SP1 (32/64 bit) Windows Vista SP2 (32/64 bit) Drivers and Utilities Combo ...
PS:Epson M2120是爱普生在海外市场的型号,等同于国内的M2128型号。 下载地址: 点击进入下载页-> WINXP/WIN7/WIN10/WIN11驱动【32位/64位】 点击进入下载页-> 苹果Mac OSX驱动【10.8以上】 ★网友评论★【↑上面红色文字是下载地址↑选择普通下载即可】...
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