M2 Medium ..坦克型号: M2坦克昵称:坦克类型:中型坦克坦克派系:美国坦克特点:37mm M3战车炮,7× (最大可装9挺) 勃朗宁M1919机枪,前方倾斜装甲可装载最大口径炮:37毫米发动机:莱特R975 EC2
M2 Medium Tank模组 可用配件装备 可用补给品 成员补给 涂装 悬挂 T67 炮塔 M2M7 火炮 M6 mod. 2 机动 Wright R-975EC2 等级 3 耐久度/血量 500 车体装甲 34.6 / 19.5 / 14.1 炮塔装甲 41.1 / 27 / 27 速度上限 43 / 18 穿深 56 / 78 平均伤害 ...
The only medium tank to be adopted by the US Army during the interwar period. The vehicle was equipped with a 37 mm gun and six 7.62 mm machineguns, four of which were mounted on rotating fire units. The two non-rotating machineguns were placed on the front of the hull. Despite unimpr...
等级3 耐久度/血量500 车体装甲34.6 / 19.5 / 14.1 炮塔装甲41.1 / 27 / 27 速度上限43 / 18 穿深56 / 78 平均伤害50 / 45 射速16.36 精度0.38 瞄准时间1.2 视野范围(半径)240 隐蔽 移动隐蔽0.146
Having repeatedly failed to design a new medium tank , the US Army decided to start over with a new design, leading to the M2 Medium Tank.
00:45 Rare_M2_M2A1_medium_tank_Footage.(720p) 01:32 Rare_M2_Light_Tank_-_M2A4_Training_footage.(720p) 06:02 Rare_M1_Combat_Car_footage.(720p) 01:41 Rare_Borgward_IV_VK3.02_Munitionsschlepper_footag 00:55 Rare Wespe Sd. Kfz. 124 footage. - YouTu 03:35 超...
On May 19, 1936, the Armaments Committee launched the Medium Tank T5 program aiming to create a medium tank for the U.S. Army. Based on the existing M2 light tanks and its components, the tank was quickly developed and put into service by 1938 as the Med
mathematics model 数学模型 matrix 字型纸板;字型塑料板;矩阵;(磨石用)粘合材料;模压制品 matt(ed) finish 无光泽装饰 mature tree 成材的树 mature wood 成熟材maturing 成熟;纸张凋湿(处理) maule reaction 材种反应试验 maximum capacity 最大容量;最大能力;最大生产力 maximum cooking pressure (最高)蒸煮...
M2 MEDIUM TANK 上一页 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 下一页 友情提示:支持键盘左右键“←→”翻页文章内容导航 第1页:M3 STUART 第2页:M3 GRANT MK-VIII 第3页:M3 HALF TRACK 第4页:M6A2 第5页:MIO WOLVERIN 第6页:M7S PRIEST 第7页:M26 PERSHING 第8页:M40 BIG SHOT 第9页:M4I...
major bulks 大宗散货 major cable 主干电缆 major cargo release 主要货物释放 major cause 主要原因 major component 主要部分 major conversion contract 重大改建合同 major conversion 重大改建 major cycle 大循环 major defect 主要缺陷 major deterious effect 重大有害影响 ...