三千多元的Mac mini,五六千元MacBook Air,顶配十万以内的Mac Studio和Mac Pro,虽然依然不算便宜,但...
M2版还有13英寸款Macbook Pro的,到了M3就砍掉了,花城14英寸Pro一样的模具了。所以14英寸低配版Mac...
M2 Pro/Max MacBook Pro 笔记本电脑配备与 2021 款 M1 Pro/Max 机型相同的显示屏,配备 Liquid 视网膜 XDR 显示屏、高达 120Hz 刷新率的 ProMotion、更高的分辨率/每英寸像素密度和更薄的边框。现在, M3 MacBook Pro 型号有一个主要改进——屏幕亮度提高了 20%,显示高达 600 尼特的 SDR 内容。Apple 高光...
苹果MAC系统多种机架声卡调试效果M1/M2/M3 Studio one/Logic/Bitwig/Ableton/Reaper, 视频播放量 595、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 苹果Mac声卡调试-传说, 作者简介 硬件评测,软件安装教程,MAC资源分享!,相关视频:苹果MAC系
I know this has been posted before but I was unable to reply: Mac Studio M2 Ultra or Macbook Pro 16" M3… - Apple Community I just splurged on a Mac Studio Ultra because I don't care about portability and have a separate display already, but I'm starting to get cold feet. ...
I'm loving the idea of being able to GET OUT OF MY STUDIO occasionally, to add some variety to long hours. Questions Would the difference working in Photoshop on large files be more noticeable between between my '13 Mac Pro and a M3 Max MBP , or more noticeable betwe...
教育优惠 iPad Macbook 98 -- 0:52 App 2023年14寸MacBookPro专业款小尺寸大作为 创作灵感 macbookpro m2pro macbook 14寸macbookpro 3572 -- 5:22 App 为什么我选择了搭载M4 Pro芯片的MacBook Pro 1551 2 13:52 App 【热男】UP主必备神器:Mac Studio2023 电脑 苹果 小剧场 604 -- 13:59 App ...
Or Mini with M2 Pro? Which is more future-proof: the iMac M3 with 24 GB memory or the Mac Studio M2 Max with 32 GB memory? I do Photoshop mostly, but will be doing more video editing eventually. I was not happy when my 2018 iMac hit the wall and could no longer run OS updates...
全新苹果 Mac mini (M4 Pro) 2024体验 作为一名重度的 Mac 用户来说,在家中使用 Mac Studio,在外出时使用 MacBook Pro,已经成为了我日常的工作常态。特别是家中这台配备 M2 Ultra 芯片的 - 魏布斯于20241107发布在抖音,已经收获了20.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Would it be foolish of me to consider that if the chip is supported in the Mac Studio that it should be fine in the MacBook Pro as well? I'm thinking that because it's a custom config, Avid testing just didn't happen to have a 30 Core GPU version of the MBP but they did for...