Review of Bell, P.M.H., France and Britain 1900-1940: Entente & Estrangement The review you are about to read comes to you courtesy of H-Net -- its reviewers, review editors, and publishing staff. If you appreciate this service, ple... T Imlay - H-France, H-Review 被引量: 0发...
Droplet impact on a flexible substrate is a prevalent phenomenon in nature and various advanced technologies such as soft bio-printing, tissue engineering, smart biomaterials and flexible electronics. Recent rapid advancement in new functional surfaces, ultra-high-speed imaging, nanotechnology, deep learni...
摘要: 结婚那天是人生大喜的日子,好多事项均与"喜"字沾边,比如酒类称为喜酒,香烟称为喜烟,糖果称为喜糖,筵席称为喜筵,客人称为喜客,主人称为喜主等等,无不带有浓厚的喜庆色彩.当然,喜日前后男女双方家制作的所有用于婚事的面食制品,也都成为喜庆事项的载体,自然统称为喜干粮.关键词:...