Your resource for information and forums on the M151 Mutt (Military Unit Tactical Truck) and its family the M151A1, M151A1C, M151A2, M825 utility trucks, M718 and M718A1 ambulances.
M151越野车(越战..M151尽管看起来和卡车并无关联,但其在美军中全称为M151 MUTT(Military Utility Tactical Truck),即军用多功能战术卡车。作为脱胎自朝鲜战争中M38轻型多功能车辆
M151军用战术车辆(MUTT)是福特公司设计的一种轻型军用车辆,它被用来替换二战 著名的威利斯MB吉普车及其战后继任者,威利斯M38/M38A1。它是和美国陆军合作开发 的,从1953年一直生产到1982年。虽然M151的外观与它的前辈非常相似,但它结合了许 多改进,包括半单体车身设计、四轮均为独立悬挂,以及底置式气门(OHV)...
►► 1968 Ford M1-51 Military Army Jeep 1969 Ford M151 M.U.T.T. Army Jeep restored with radio and accesso 16976 Miles Gr 1962 Ford M151 MUTT M416 M38 M38A1 Jeep Willys USMC ARMY MARINES Vietnam War 1962 Ford MUTT M151 Military Jeep, Complete, Front PTO Drive, Own History! 1962 ...
Nice uncut and titled 1970 Ford M151A2 Mutt /Jeep. Has hot water heater and for those extra cold days a gas fired heater mounted on the passenger fender (which can be removed) , and tuned early m151 Holley carb. Suspension and drive line has been rebuild on this A2 including new suspens...
HeiNER-the-Heidelberg-Named-Entity-... 显示算法生成的翻译 将“M151 MUTT"自动翻译成 西班牙文 M151 MUTT Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 最受欢迎的查询列表:1K,~2K,~3K,~4K,~5K,~5-10K,~10-20K,~20-50K,~50-100K,~100k-200K,~200-500K,~1M...
1972 M151A2 Marine Corp MUTT with M416B1 Trailer Extra Differential and Starter New top Full set of manuals Tires in good condition Includes M416B1 USMC trailer with top cover Jeep and Trailer are excellent condition. Export is possible, we can obtain export license for buyer....
This 1975 M151A2 aka MUTT is a fully remanufactured 151 that was hand built from the ground up using 12 gauge steel replacement tubs and 12 gauge body panels. Dubbed the “Wolverine”, these trucks were contracted through Ocala Fabrication in Florida, with most of them being sold out of cou...
Ford M151 Mutt Walk Around 摄影师Michael Benolkin 本地化未知 照片27 福特M151穆特 福特M151穆特 福特M151穆特 福特M151穆特 福特M151穆特 福特M151穆特 福特M151穆特 福特M151穆特 福特M151穆特 加载更多... 更多信息: 这M151卡车是一辆 4×4 多功能车,在美国军队和其他盟军服役了几十年。它由福特汽车公司在 ...