M134 Minigun 类别: 枪支» 机关枪 使用自: 1963–现在 使用者: 生产厂家: Multiple 热门套件 Little Armory M134 Minigun Tomytec 1:12 LA022(264521)2016 新模具 Little Armory M134 Minigun Station Model Tomytec 1:12 LD012(286073)2017 新模具 ...
The M134 minigun is a weapon that is seen in the last 3 Syphon Filter games. The weapon is carried by Iwao Ryusaki, Sanzo Murukawa's security commander, but the player can never use it in the mission (it is, however, usable through the magic box glitch).
美国陆军型号称为M134型加特林(Gatling)速射机枪,7.62毫米弹药速射机枪(minigun)用途广泛,美国空军型号称为GAU-2 B/A型,美国海军型号称为GAU-17/A型。目前,这种速射机枪最高射速高达6,000发/每分钟,被称为世界上射速最快的机枪,人称"火神炮"。枪身重量: 不包括电动机和供弹机 15.9 kg ...
爱给网提供海量的爱给模型库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为fbx 格式的米134 手持式_米尼根_(M134 handheld _Minigun_), 本站编号62265239, 该爱给模型库素材大小为54m, 点数为8156, 面数为233, 含贴图, 该素材已被下载:1次,许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名4.0, 作者为Alexander_Borisevich, 更多精彩...
Invention is about a window mounting adapter for M134 MINIGUN helicopter door mounted machine guns which provides the integration of the gun to the AS 532 AL/UL Cougar and similar types of helicopters, usage of the gun from the window of the helicopter and localization of the needed parts ...
M134型 Minigun 7.62-mm 6管机枪M134型 Minigun 7.62-mm 6管机枪(1963年, 空军编号GAU-2, 海军编号Mk 25 Mod 0). 电力驱动, 射速为每分钟 4000发(高速)或2000发(低速). 主要安装在各种直升机舱门. 主要是因为越战期间, 美军发现直升机很容易遭到 RPG火箭筒等轻武器的袭击, M134就是用来赶...
While adequate as an air combat / ground attack weapon during World War Two, the Browning M2 .50 caliber machine gun had been rendered obsolete by jet aircraft and needed to be replaced by a weapon with increased range, rate of fire, and projectile lethality. Related Video: Minigun, Max ...
Invention is about a window mounting adapter for M134 MINIGUN helicopter door mounted machine guns which provides the integration of the gun to the AS 532 AL/UL Cougar and similar types of helicopters, usage of the gun from the window of the helicopter and localization of the needed parts for...
【小知识】火神终结者..The Minigun is a 7.62 mm, multi-barrel machine gun with a high rate of fire (over 3,000 rounds per m
米尼岗M134转管机枪(英语:Minigun M134 rotary machine gun)是美国马丁玛丽埃塔军械公司生产的,装备于美国多种飞机和直升机上作为支援火力。该枪米尼岗M134转管机枪以美国“火神”转管机炮为基础,将口径缩小到7.62mm而成,其名称里面的“米尼岗”(minigun)即“微型炮”的意思。其装备美国海陆空军和海军陆战队,并出...