AXIS M1137-E 网络摄像头数据手册说明书 Datasheet AXIS M1137-E Network Camera Outdoor-ready5MP premium affordable surveillance AXIS M1137-E is a compact,outdoor-ready network camera that’s easy to install and operate.It supports PoE and redundant DC power,so your data is safeguarded in the...
AXIS M1137-E网络摄像头说明书 Datasheet AXIS M1137-E Network Camera Outdoor-ready5MP premium affordable surveillance AXIS M1137-E is a compact,outdoor-ready network camera that’s easy to install and operate.It supports PoE and redundant DC power,so your data is safeguarded in the event of...
GIANTEYE provides AXIS M1137-E Mk II Box Camera 02623-001 02486-001. There are more product details waiting for you to learn about AXIS, HUAWEI, BOSCH, HONEYWELL, PELCO, HANWHA, COMPUTAR, THEIA lenses, etc.
AXIS M1137-E 是一款紧凑型室外网络摄像机,可提供 5 MP 分辨率的出色图像质量。 为视觉威慑物设计,它有助于阻止侵入、为。 它提供灵活、低成本的安装,非常适合不同工业或商业监控场合,如仓库、贮藏所或交货区域。 物超所值 这款经济实惠的安讯士 M 线摄像机可提供单向音频,使您可以录制有声视频。 而且,通过...
安讯士AXIS M1137、AXIS M1137-E 参数如下: 筒式摄像机 M1137 MkII 安讯士 2592x1944 (5 MP) | 1/2.7”;i-CS;lens2.8 - 13 mm/F1.4;112°- 24°| DC-iris: 0.17/0.03,i-CS: 0.19/0.04 | F/WDR | Lightfinder | 帧率25/30 | 支持音频/内置麦克风 | 对象分析/移动侦测 | PoE/DC ...
Datasheet AXIS M1137-E Mk II Box Camera Outdoor-ready5MP affordable surveillance This affordable,outdoor-ready camera is easy to install and operate.With PoE and redundant DC power,it ensures your data is safeguarded in the event of a power outage.Featuring Axis Lightfinder and Axis Forensic...
ASTM E1137/E1137M-08 发布历史 ASTM E1137/E1137M-08由美国材料与试验协会 US-ASTM 发布于 2008。 ASTM E1137/E1137M-08 在中国标准分类中归属于: N11 温度与压力仪表。 ASTM E1137/E1137M-08 工业用铂阻尼式温度计标准规范的最新版本是哪一版?
ASTM E1137/E1137M-08(2020) 引用标准 ASTM A269 ASTM B167 ASTM E1652 ASTM E344 ASTM E644 适用范围 1.1 本规范涵盖了适用于直接浸入式温度测量的金属护套工业铂电阻温度计 (PRT) 的要求。它适用于 0 至 100 °C 之间平均电阻温度系数为 0.385 % ⁄°C 且 0 °C 时标称电阻为 100 Ω 或其他...
1137M 08 (014)is 1137/in of of A in of ) an or s)RTs an 00C C C 00 or RTs or of 200 50C. as as he of in 990 (he in I (be as of to of if It is of of to of to 06045, 06696), 06617), 06674) in or of in nof he is to to s nto n nof an to of or a...
Designation: E1137/E1137M − 08 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Specification forIndustrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1137/E1137M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision...