The M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System (SASS). 'A 7.62mm semi-automatic rifle that is capable of delivering precision fire to enemy targets out to 800 meters. The weapon is shorter and lighter than traditional sniper rifles, which enhances the mobility of Marine scout snipers and allows for mul...
M110半自动狙击手系统(M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System,简称M110 SASS)是美国KAC推出的7.62 x 51 NATO半自动狙击步枪,现装备美国陆军。2008年6月12日,M110 SASS成为了“2007年美国陆军十大发明”之一。 编辑本段 开发背景 M110 SASS的开发目的是为了替换美国陆军狙击手、观察手、指定射手及班组精确射手的M24狙击...