M-107巴雷特M107轻型狙击步枪(英语:M-107BarrettLightRifle,缩写:M107)是美国巴雷特公司研制装备的一种12.7毫米(.50英制)口径重型狙击步枪,亦称巴雷特M107或M107狙击步枪。Fe**me 上传11.37 MB 文件格式 STEP The M107 anti-material rifle has been adopted by the US Army and is similar to the US Marine ...
The M107 provides a man-portable, materiel destruction capability to the sniper team and/or supported force and complements the anti-personnel precision fire capability of the M24 Sniper Weapon System (SWS). The M107, with a family of ammunition, enables sniper teams to employ greater destructive...