Last weekend, we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk around the lake. Lingling: That sounds great! But now, we'd better get back to work. We're going to have a big exam at the end of the term. Now listen again and repeat. 7. Work in groups....
Lingling went to see her grandparents _ _ The train _ _ _ people because of the_ _ . Daming _ _ Hong Kong. The plane left _ _ late.But the pilot _ _ _ on time. Betty had _ _ _ time in Beijing. She t 10、oured the city _ _ and _ _ . She also _ _ _ by coach to...
In Grade Four, he went to the Junior Sports School of Putuo District of Shanghai. Liu was encouraged at first to train as a high jumper. Then, in 1998, his skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping. Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme. It was set up in 2001 ...
Coach Max Li is a specialist in the art of Brazillian Jiujitsu. His training emphasizes on controlling an opponent on the ground in a technical manner and employ a submission hold to finish the fight. DennisCarelli Coach, KRU Coach Dennis is the son of a professional boxer, introduced to ...
Our teacher is the coach, and she also takes part in the same training with us. She is in excellent condition too. - Wang Wei3.In the l 31、ast few years, I went to work by underground. When I got to work, I always felt very sleepy and I was not happy. I bought a bike in...
Lingling went to see her grandparents in Henan Province by train Tony went to stay with his family in the UK by plane Daming flew to Hong Kong and visited Lantau Island and Disneyland Betty toured Beijing by bus and by taxi, and took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace Task 3 Answer...
Betty: We had quite a good time inBeijing. We went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. And last weekend, we took a tour by coach to theSummerPalaceand went for a long walk.我们在北京玩得很开心。我们坐公交车和出租车转了转景点。上周末,我们坐公共汽车去颐和园了,我们还步行了很长一段路。 Da...
HolidayactivitiesLinglingwenttoseehergrandparentsinHenanProvincebytrainTonyDamingBettywenttostaywithhisfamilyintheUKbyplaneflewtoHongKongandvisitedLantauIslandandDisneylandtouredBeijingbybusandbytaxiandtookatourbycoachtotheSummerPalaceLet’sread! (Lingling.BettyandDamingaretalkingabouttheirwinterholiday)Lingling:Itooka...
15. We took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace. 16. Then we took a boat to Lantau Island and went to Disneyland. 17. This is Seat 12A, but you should be in Car 9. This is Car 8. 二、教学目标 1. Function: Talking about travel. 2. Structure: Revision: nouns; articles; ...
InGrade Four, he went to the Junior Sports School of Putuo District of Shanghai. Liuwasencouraged at first to train a 35、s a high jumper. Then, in 1998, his skill at hurdlingwas noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme. It wasset upin 2001 to ...