我的建议是,把M1卡宾换成MINI 14,5.56NATO步枪弹各方面吊打.30卡宾弹,再次点上7.62*39。既然你都弹匣都加宽至跟STG44差不多,为啥不一步到位换步枪弹?.30卡宾弹都没人用没人发展,就知道它对比中间威力弹和小口径步枪弹没有优势,还继续给他招魂干什么用啊?它的命运就跟7.62托卡列夫一样,比上不足比下有余,...
Lightweight and portable, the BrickArms M1 Carbine Rifle fs is the perfect choice for any fig when a full-sized battle rifle isn't an option. An icon of WWII that's still used throughout the world today, the BrickArms M1 Carbine Rifle is the iconic weapon for the minifig on the go!