Early Universal (Bullseye) carbines (gen 1) were made with surplus milspec GI parts and newly forged receivers. As these parts dried up, a secondary market arose to fill demand (gen 2), but quality could be suspect and they were not always milspec. Universal eventually developed their own...
Starting in the mid-1950s, the United States began selling military surplus of M1 Carbines to civilians, including police forces. Many of these civilian versions remain in use today.In the mid-1960s, with the introduction of the M16 rifle, the M1 and M2 Carbines were finally retired from...
Ljungman AG42B Milsurp M41 open 2.15 P17 Federal Classic 180gr SP aperture 2.15 Kar98k BCD 1943 ? open 2.17 M1 Carbine Remington 110 grain soft point aperture 2.42 SVT-40 1942 Norma cases, Hornady 150g 312 SP, CCI34,42g Olin Special Ball Surplus open 2.42 Enfield 4...