TUSK II(Tank Urban Survival Kit II)城市巷战包二型:在TUSK I的基础上进一步强化防护能力,如大幅强化两侧机枪周围的防盾,在车体两侧的M19 ARAT-I装甲块和炮塔两侧再增加M32 ARAT-II(Abrams Reactive Armor Tiles 2)瓦片型反应装甲,并在车尾加装摄影机与熱成像仪强化以强化对后方监控能力。 M1A3 美国海军陆战队...
Stona_WT, Well age, armor, speed, survivability in general and obviosuly the fact that its a prototype in contrast to the other countries getting a production model. I don't see a single reason why the Leo 2K would be a balanced choice against a M1 Abrams and Challenger 1. An early ...