Auto Ordnance M1 Carbine AOM130C2 50% Auto Ordnance M1 Carbine TM1C1 How much is aM1 Carbine worth? In 2025 a new or used M1 Carbine value varies depending on supply and demand. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a M1 Carbine and most rifles. The Price for a M1 Carbin...
The M1 Carbine is no traditional carbine. Rather than follow the sole design of a parent rifle like the M1 Garand…this carbine is a mutt-like mix of designs, minds, and manufacturers — from General Motors to a jukebox company — this gun is popular all over the world. Over 6.5 millio...
I worked at IBM for many years. When I found out that IBM manufactured M1 Carbines for the war effort I went searching for one…aout 30 years ago. IBM only made 356K of the 6.5 million carbines produced…so they are somewhat rare. I found one at a gun show with the correct receive...
HOW TO FILL OUT a CARBINE CLUB DATA SHEET FOR AN M1 CARBINE: Anyone who's ever attempted to fill out a Carbine Club Data Sheet knows how intimidating the process can be, especially if it's your first time. Since I was unable to find a "How To" guid
This masterpiece of landscaping job came from the team of builder 's model home .Homeowner spent $30 K to upgrade the whole house . The great Italian kitchen with 6 oven, granite counter top, big center island, wine cellar, and maple color Thermafoil carbines and open to great (family ...