ARMY MIL-DTL-60318 C (2)-2008炸药用M1型发射药和105 mm榴炮弹用M67型发射药 PROPELLANT, M1 FOR USE IN CHARGE, PROPELLING, M67 FOR 105MM HOWITZER 作废首页 标准 ARMY MIL-DTL-60318 C (2)-2008 发布历史 ARMY MIL-DTL-60318 C (2)-2008 发布历史ARMY MIL-DTL-60318 C (2)-2008...
As with the initialM2A1 105mm Howitzer and Carriage M2this is another superb little kit of the3-inch Gun M5 on Carriage M1with many fine parts that result in excellent detail definition although this has a trade off with additional assembly required along the way with the longer 3-inch ba...
PROPELLANT, M1 FOR USE IN CHARGE PROPELLING FOR 75MM HOWITZER M1A1 AND M3 标准号 ARMY MIL-P-46990-1963 1963年 发布单位 (美国)军事条例和规范 当前最新 ARMY MIL-P-46990-1963 购买 正式版 ARMY MIL-P-46990-1963相似标准 ARMY MIL-DTL-60318 C (3)-2008 炸药用M1型发射药和105 mm榴炮弹用M67型...
Name: M1 240 mm Howitzer Black Dragon Category: Guns » Howitzers Used from: 1943–Now Used by: Manufacturer: Multiple Hot kits U.S. ARMY M1 240mm HOWITZER WW2 U.S. Army Howitzer Barrel Set on Transport Wagon Mirage Hobby 1:72720020 2024* New tool ...
HowitzersProjectilesGun barrelsExterior ballisticsRiflingScatteringSpark shadowgraph photographyM-1 cartridges(105-mm)T-131 cartridges(105-mm)NTISDODXDThe results of a program to determine the effects of a 2 inch long muzzle counterbore on the dispersion of the 105mm T131E31 are given. Some ...
240 mm Howitzer M1 Field Gun Country of Origin United States Type Field Gun Caliber 240.000 mm Barrel Length 8.380 m Weight 29300.000 kg Ammunition Weight 156.50 kg Rate of Fire 1 rounds/min Range 23.100 km Muzzle Velocity 701 m/s Contributor: C. Peter Chen...
The 155mm howitzer is equipped with a 52 calibre gun with a maximum rate of fire of eight rounds per minute. It can automatically load projectiles while charges are fed manually. The maximum firing range of the system is 41km. The 52 calibreguncan rotate through -4°/+70° elevation ang...
Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close All games Fallout 4 Mods Crafting - Home/Settlement 155mm Howitzer M1 Non-Replacer Endorsements 58 Unique DLs ...
该公司与曼都司集团合作研发了悍马2-CT“鹰眼”机动榴弹炮系统(Humvee 2-CT Hawkeye mobile howitzer system),该系统主要由一辆悍马军车搭载一门M20型105mm榴弹炮组成,全车重约6.4吨,采用一台205马力的8缸涡轮增压柴油机,最大涉水深度为0.76米;其搭载的105mm火炮最大射速为8发/分,能在1.5分钟内完成射击布置,在...