Amir Thompson - M-A-S-H (Explicit) 专辑: Throwaway Money (Explicit) 歌手:Amir Thompson 还没有歌词哦Amir Thompson - M-A-S-H (Explicit) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 M-A-S-H Amir Thompson 04:56Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 ...
影片中有许多单独的广播器镜头,这些广播器在电影中原本并不存在,而是通过剪辑后期添加,用来串联剧情,这些广播里的通知,都是从当年韩战年鉴与军事手册里直接抄录下来的。 虽然《M·A·S·H》的制作经费极小,只有三百多万美元,这和当时Fox同时制作的两部大成本主旋律战争片《虎!虎!虎!》与《 巴顿将军 》比起来根...
F舱为头等舱公布价, A舱为头等舱免折、常旅客免票; C舱为公务舱公布价, D舱为公务舱免折、常旅客免票; Y舱为普通舱(经济舱)公布价, S舱为联程、缺口程等特殊舱位, B舱为普通舱9折, H舱为普通舱85折, K舱为普通舱80折, L舱为普通舱75折, M舱为普通舱70折, N舱为普通舱65折, Q舱为...
M·A·S·H评分及评论 4.5(满分 5 分) 7,219 个评分 Tiffany J. Kim,2019/02/24 Accessible with VoiceOver :) This is a fun game. Somehow, it seems to be a lot more hilarious than mad Libs. The added bonus is that for the most part, this is accessible with voiceover. As someone ...
MASH is a game, commonly played by teenagers, intended to predict one's future. M.A.S.H. stands for mansion, apartment, shack, and house. The game revolves around the most common categories: the car, the kind of house, the partner, and the number of chil
M*A*S*H: Created by Larry Gelbart. With Alan Alda, Loretta Swit, Jamie Farr, William Christopher. The staff of an Army hospital in the Korean War find that laughter is the best way to deal with their situation.
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Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México) Use app M*A*S*H(1972–1983) Directed by(35) Writing credits(130) Cast(698) Produced by(21) Music by(8) Cinematography by(9) Editing by(6) Casting By(2) Art Direction by(8) ...
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The addition of Al in the synthesis process results in a M-A-S-H binder, where Al substitutes both tetrahedra and octahedra in the phyllosilicate structure [13]. In the presence of Mg, Al also forms hydrotalcites, or layered double hydroxide (LDH) phases [16,17] which are distinct from...