Snow melting agent dispenser medium Saltwater, salt, sand. Structure V type bunker Overall dimension 5500*2050*1500 auxiliary power Hyundai petrol engine Transmission mode Screw conveying or Belt transmission Tank Size 8m3 Spaying width 0-20M Spraying capacity 20-150g/m2 Hydr...
ASTM D1556/D1556M-15采用砂锥法的现场土壤密度和单位重量的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by Sand-Cone Method 被代替首页 标准 ASTM D1556/D1556M-15 ASTM D1556/D1556M-15 谁引用了ASTM D1556/D1556M-15 发布历史ASTM D1556/D1556M-15...
Power Unit of fog cannon: 150KW(6-cylinder) generator, the compartment is behind the cabin, in front of water tank. Structures of Disinfectant Sprayer Truck As ChinaBIGGESTspecial purpose vehicles manufacturer, ChinaBiggestwater truck series manufacturer, our production capacity, our qua...
Bunkers. The heavy nose of the MPAT projectile makes it extremely effective against earthen, timber, and or sandbag bunkers with the projectile "burying" itself into the bunker structure before warhead detonation. When this occurs, the projectile detonation produces not only lethal effects to person...
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Industrial Sand Stone Belt Conveyor for Quarry US$5,000.00-50,000.00 / Set Super-Above 2ton Mini Tractor Backhoe Loader Small 4X2 with Attachment US$40,000.00-55,000.00 / Set Super-Above 320HP Mining Crawler Bulldozer with Ripper, 240kw with Spare Parts in Stock US$128,000.00-188,...
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