461 B - Minimal Cost GNU C++17 brute force math *1200 Feb/28/2021 21:19 460 A - K-th Largest Value GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *800 Feb/28/2021 19:43 459 C - Unexpressed C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Feb/27/2021 18:39 458 B - Play Snuke C++ (GCC 9.2.1)...
Each time poll two minimal elements from the heap until there's only 1 element left in the heap. Return the total cost. LeetCode 1024 Video Stitching Medium Similar to LeetCode 1326. But it's not that good to use DP to solve this problem. It takes O(nT) while greedy takes O(nlog(...