Yes, there are 1000 m (metres) in 1 km (kilometre)
Surface-active + “ant” equals surfactant. Soaps are made of natural ingredients such as vegetable oils (coconut, palm, pine) or animal fat-derived acids (lipids). In contrast, detergents are synthetic, man-made derivatives. While soap is limited in its applications, detergents can be ...
Previous Notes: 在造class Pair时候,要做@override的function: hashCode(), equals(Object d). 平时不太想得起来用。 参见 Based on 3Sum 3Sum外面再加一层. 参考3Sum. 时间O(n^3)。 但此方法在k-sum时候,无疑过于费时间. O(n^k) 37. Uniqu...
The Instructor may then say “Let's assume that the value of X equals ten.” With the Number line stick 26 in place he can then use window stick 10 and push ten cubes to ‘ten’ and he can then use window stick 7 and slide over seven cubes to indicate minus 7 and he can then ...
实现equals()和hashCode() 4.4. 动态模型(Dynamic models) 4.5. 元组片断映射(Tuplizers) 5. 对象/关系数据库映射基础(Basic O/R Mapping) 5.1. 映射定义(Mapping declaration) 5.1.1. Doctype 5.1.2. hibernate-mapping 5.1.3. class 5.1.4. id 5.1.5. composite-id 5.1.6. 鉴别器(discriminator) 5.1....